Welcome To Orlando Gifted Academy!
Orlando Gifted Academy Families,
We aim to aid our students in advancing their content knowledge, critical/creative thinking and problem-solving skills in all we do. Goals will be set and progress will be monitored to ensure we make the greatest impact through authentic student learning experiences. I am convinced that our OGA teachers and staff can make this happen for each student though differentiation and collaboration.
Several new faces have been added to our school team for this school year. We are excited to grow together and learn from each other. Our team continues to align our instruction to the state standards and to build strong partnerships with students, parents and community members. Whether you are new to OGA or returning for another year, we look forward to you being a part of our OGA family and hope you become involved in our school. I encourage every student and parent to embrace the opportunity to make this a great school year.
If at any time you have a question about what is occurring in your student's class, please contact your student's teacher. Your child's classroom teacher is always the place to start. If you still have concerns, please contact our Assistant Principal, Mrs. Crandell, or myself so we can ensure your needs are addressed promptly.
Sean Maguire