Welcome to the Media Center
Orange County Public Schools' library media programs are the hub of our schools and provide equitable access to resources that engage students in learning. Through promoting reading appreciation, teaching digital and information literacy skills, facilitating inquiry through both independent and collaborative learning, library media programs contribute to ensuring that every student has a promising and successful future.
Media Center Staff
Amber Lineberry, Media Specialist:
[email protected]
Collection Development Procedures
Orange County Public Schools' collection development procedures are documented on
School Board Policy IJL - Library Materials Selection and Adoption. Library media materials, whether purchased or donated, are selected by a school district employee who holds a valid educational media specialist certificate. Our school’s collection development plan can be accessed using the link below:
Library Catalog
Orange County Public Schools uses Follett Destiny’s Library Management System to catalog all materials maintained in the school library media center. The Destiny Library Catalog can be accessed by hovering over the Media Center tab on this website and selecting the “Destiny Library Catalog” option from the dropdown menu.
The public has access to search any school’s library catalog for available titles. The brief video below demonstrates how to search a school’s library catalog.
Spanish Video
Additional library media materials can be accessed through the following links or on LaunchPad.
Instructional Materials
A list of all instructional materials, including those materials used to provide instruction required by Section 1003.42, Florida Statutes, are linked below.
All supplemental instructional materials, purchased by the school or district, are linked below:
School and Grade-Level Reading Lists
A list of all materials, specifically books, required as part of a school or grade-level reading list may be accessed below.
2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade
6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade Advanced Academics
Creative Writing