Physical Education

Physical Education classes at OGA provide an opportunity for students in 2nd through 6th grades to experience various types of physical activity  which can include:

*team sports 
*individual sports 
*leisure sports
*health and nutrition
*bicycle and pedestrian safety

In elementary school, Florida state statute currently requires 150 minutes per week of physical education.  Elementary physical education focuses on movement competency, cognitive abilities, lifetime fitness, and responsible behaviors and values.  OCPS school district policy prohibits interscholastic athletic contests at the elementary school level.  

Students in 6th grade learn about the fitness components. 

Lesson plans are based on guidelines set by  OCPS Benchmarks & Essential Skills.

OCPS Policy:


Students who, because of illness or injury, are temporarily unable to participate in physical education activities need to present a note each time from their parent to the PE teacher explaining the problem. Students are required to attend classes to observe the lessons when unable to participate. Students who need to be excused from activities for a week or more need to provide a doctor’s excuse. If your child has any permanent physical restrictions or disabilities, please notify the physical education teacher and the Main Office.


The physical education requirement shall be waived for a student who meets one of the following criteria:

  1. The student is enrolled or required to enroll in a remedial course.
  2. The student’s parent indicates in writing to the school that:
  • The parent requests that the student enroll in another course from among those offered as options by the school (courses are subject to availability at each school)


  • The student is participating in physical activities outside the school day (excluding school programs)which are equal to or in excess of the mandated requirement.

Your child must meet one of the waiver criteria listed above or he/she will be enrolled in physical education each year while in grades 6 through 8. 

It is important to note, you may NOT request a waiver after the student’s schedule has been completed.

Middle School PE Waiver Form.pdf